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We see it time and time again in southwest Florida - a beautiful paint job over rotten or compromised wood.

Wet, rotten and damaged wood don't hold paint and paint jobs done over compromised wood will usually peel off within a few months of being applied. That's why we, at Color Pros Painting, offer wood replacement services as part of our painting package. It can be as simple as replacing a few fascia boards to replacing an entire wall of T111 siding but in either case it's of vital importance if you want the nicest, most durable paint job possible.

Call or email us for an estimate to replace any damaged wood before you commit to a paint job. If you do it right you'll only have to do it once.

Fully insured.

3 signs you need damaged wood repair services

Leave wood repair work to the professionals. You should reach out to us for damaged wood repair services if:

  1. You notice a musty odor coming from your wood surfaces
  2. Your wood boards are starting to rot
  3. Your wood floors have extensive water damage

Learn more about the damaged wood repair services we provide by calling us at 941-202-3967 now. We'll be happy to answer any questions you have about our work.